Wednesday 4 June 2014

Korle Bu staff petition President over alleged misuse of funds

Staff of the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital have petitioned President John Mahama over alleged misuse of funds by the board and management of the hospital.

The senior staff of the hospital are, among other things, accusing the board and management of the hospital of spending more than one million Ghana cedis on luxury vehicles.

The staff claim although the Acting Chief Executive of the hospital, Albert Okpoti Botwe, already has a vehicles for his official use, the board has given the green light for him to buy the latest Audi A6 car for his personal use.

 The petition further said Mr Botwe allegedly ordered nine brand new cars all totaling more than one million Ghana cedis.

Payment for the vehicles, according to the petition to the President, were made from the hospital’s internally generated funds which are meant for the purchase of items that go into direct patient care.

President of the Senior Staff Association of the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital, Charles Ofei-Palm, said such misuse of funds has led to poor infrastructural developments at the hospital leading to some incidents of avoidable deaths.

He cites for instance a sickle cell patient who died painfully two months ago because the hospital did not have common tools like needles to treat his condition.

There is also shortage of non-drug consumables, according to the staff.

Some staff in operating theaters are compelled to buy their own surgical gown caps in order to conduct surgical operation, the petition sent the President said.

The petition also questions the Acting Chief Executive’s interest in allowing a GHC10,000 monthly salary to a board member (Godwin Ahianyo) even after the Health Minister, Hanny-Sherry Ayittey, directed that the payments be stopped.

The Korle Bu staff are demanding a dissolution of the board, the return of the Audi A6 to the dealers and a forensic audit into the use of funds by the Acting CEO, Rev. Albert Okpoti Botwe.

Meanwhile Joy News has leant the staff could withdraw services if no action is taken by a June 19th deadline set for a change in the hospital’s board and management.



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