Tuesday 18 August 2015

Gov’t to GMA: Call off strike and return to negotiation table

Government has made a passionate appeal to striking doctors to as a matter of urgency rescind their decision and go back to work.

Health Minister, Alex Segbefia, who made the appeal at a press conference on Tuesday, said government is willing to further engage the striking doctors, only if they call off their three-week-old strike.

“I urge all striking doctors to immediately come to the negotiation table and call off their strike because the strike action is really affecting lives and health care delivery,” he said.

Scores of people are reported to have died as a result of the doctors’ strike; negotiations between government and the doctors have broken down.

The doctors are demanding a conditions of service document which they say does not exist.

The President’s earlier comments, according to some of the doctors, smacks of disrespect to their profession.

But Mr. Segbefia noted that if negotiations over their conditions of service is to continue, they will be able to make headway, therefore, pleading with the striking doctors to return to work.

Source: adomonline.com

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